Monday, January 21, 2019


"The body is the soul's instrument to perform righteous actions."

All spiritual disciplines are performed through the body. If the body is weak and sickly, the mind becomes similarly afflicted. To attain success in any enterprise, it is essential that both the body and the mind are healthy and function in harmony and synchronicity. That is why an aged person is unfit to undertake Sadhana (spiritual discipline). The unbridled gratification of desires over the years drains away mental, vital and physical energies. Even if such a person possesses a strong will power, his body would not assist him. On the other hand, sadly, today's Youth, in spite of having  the physical ability to proceed on the path of Sadhana, are distracted by the objects of sense indulgence and fall a prey to carnal pleasures. Not appreciating the prime importance of sexual energy, they recklessly fritter it away through sensual indulgence,a folly that would later become a matter of life-long repentance for them.

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