Thursday, March 7, 2019

Eternal Truth is Almighty God

Om, Hail to the adhi Shiva Guru, I am going to share the Almighty's secret. It may feel as if you already know it. But we have not realise or know it completely. We may know but not aware, we may be aware but not realised, and we flow in life without steadfast.

We may be poor, or rich, we may be famous or without fame. Whatever we may be, all of us have some kind of confusion. We are afraid of diseases, we are afraid of death, we worry about time, now we are fine but will it change in the future? All the billions of people, are living with a confused mind. The Seers, Saints, Sages, Siddhas and Devas have confirmed that in this age of Kali yuga, this is the way we will suffer in turmoil. We will all be looking for peace outside instead of looking within.

Why am I sharing this with you today? I want you to know the secret of the Almighty.

Almighty is a conscious eternal energy. This energy is in every element and in every atom. Thus in this world where we are, nothing is formed without water. Without water nothing can live. No living being could survive without water. Thus this earth is nothing but water. We are all living in water. Like in a island that is surrounded by 70% water and 30% land. In that 30% of land we are all aware that, just like us there are millions of living beings.

Thus dear people be aware that water is the supreme Atma. Thus the Golden age, the age of truth, heaven and paradise on earth all the truths about these ages were embedded in water as memory. Thus those who realised that they are not any different from water lived a heavenly life on this earth. They lived with anbattitude thanksgiving and gratitude. I am that and that is me. Therefore if i am not grateful event to myself, then i must be living with animalistic attributes living like ans animal. We live a shameful lowly life. That is how we are living now. We are not even grateful to our spirit. We are not grateful even to our self, we see ourselves with anger, we see ourselves very lowly and we eventually kill ourselves. If we observe very carefully, our mind is absolutely responsible for all our sufferings. Thus our mind which is an illusion is the root of all our sufferings. We lack the light that free us from all our sufferings. Thus the Guru that could show us the light, we disrespect and ignore.

So we get back with gratitude and recognise the Guru, who is sharing the truth that we had been ignorant about. We must surrender to that truth, complete surrender to the truth. It's the truth, it's the truth, how would you know? Your inner self will tell you that it is true. Every one except the mentally ill will not understand. If you are mentally ill, you cannot realise it.

So i trust that none in this group is mentally ill and i trust that you have common sense too. You have the basic intelligence to know that If I hold onn to this truth i can be salvaged. Our inner self will tell us. We have the basic wisdom to know if it useful or useless to us.

So we should use this intelligence with gratitude to get what we need, namely, peace, pure love, health, courage without any fear of the future and confidence. Thus if we live with awareness and wisdom we could attain it in the present.

If we find living with awareness and wisdom is  very tough, then we should practise surrender to Almighty God.

If you look at your body completely, it is created from water. The millions semen which is liquid from your father, one sperm from that is you. Thus the one cell of you came from that fluid. Appu means water. Since we are created from this appu, we call our father Appa. Because the semen was from him.

This semen goes into another water chamber through the mother's womb. We are  born after being in water for 10 months. Thus this water carries all the information of past, present and future. Thus water is Almighty. Thus you observe all the saints of Sanathana Dharma (eternal truth) carry a water pot (kamandala). They use the water in the Kamandala to create or destroy. Thus they did not need bombs, AK 47, nuclear bombs etc. All they needed was water. To destroy or to create someone, they needed only water. To transform a stone as a human they just needed water. To create an eternal river they just needed water from a small container. This is how Sage Agasthiyar created Kaveri river. Thus we must realise from this that water is Almighty. It is beneficial for us to know water is Almighty.

Everything on this earth was created from water. We are created by water. We cannot be created by anything else.  For 10 months we were in water. We came as water and we went into our mother as water, lived inside her in water and born in this world. Thus we need water.

Water is moves or alters to gratitude. It moves to love and truth. It alters it self to Thanksgiving. Thus we need to, for alteast for 20 minutes daily, give thanks to water. Thank the water in  all our cells. Water is God and thanks to God. This GOD is desiring to live with enthusiasm, peace, love and all the 16 wealths. I realise this completely as truth. The 16 wealths are my birthrights. My gratitude to water.

Oh God you exist as water. All Saints exalted you as God. That exalted state exist as water. My millions of thanks to this water. This water is in every atom of me. Thank you to water. The Supreme God as you are water, thank you. In every breath of mine you give me love; Thank you. Thank you for the peace. In every breath you give me health; Thank you.

So you must practise this with feelings of gratitude for 20 minutes daily. Should we practise this, the peace, happiness and Bliss will be with us daily. This is truth. Thus my love may you become seeds of truth for Sathya (truth)  yuga.

Om Namah Shiva ya


"Ignite your soul powers for Blissful life"

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